Radiant Life Church Benevolence Request
Please complete the form below
Benevolence Requests can be made by the person(s) needing assistance or by somebody else aware of the need for assistance. Fill out the requested information below and submit it to any of the church staff or board members, by e-mail or mail to the church, or in the offering baskets. The Benevolence Request will be reviewed by the Church Board, with approved requests being implemented.
Prior to completing this request form, refer to the definitions (at the bottom) to determine if the request would be considered a Benevolence or a Love Offering. Love Offerings do NOT use this form.
A Benevolence Request is asking the Church Board to approve using designated funds from the Benevolence/Outreach budget. A designated giving to the Benevolence budget cannot be contingent based on approval of a Benevolence Request. Refer to “Radiant Life Church Policies on Receiving Charitable Contributions” for additional information on Benevolence Policies.
Benevolence is a designated giving that is distributed by the church to needy persons to alleviate a hardship. The benevolence is non-income taxable for the recipient. For a recipient to qualify for receiving benevolence, the individual or family must belong to a recognized hardship class.
- Examples of a hardship class include falling below the poverty level for the region, loss of employment, costly medical expenses, hardship from a natural disaster, death of the family primary wage earner, etc.
Love Offerings are collections from the church congregation that are distributed by the church to a recipient in recognition of services rendered. All Love Offerings for paid church staff/interns are reported as taxable income. Love Offerings to non-staff may be considered as taxable income to the recipient depending on the amount. Love Offering are considered gifts to an individual and are not tax deductible to the donors.
- Examples include Pastor Appreciation, Christmas Bonus to volunteers, etc.
If you have a Love Offering, please provide the name of the recipient(s) and the purpose of the Love Offering, using any of the Charitable contribution options in https://www.radiantks.com/give.